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gringstarr 01-17-2008 09:54 PM

is this a good deal?
is this a good deal?
Ive ordered a g37s IP last dec, it's supposed to come in in march.. but my dealer said they have the exact one that just arrived 3 days ago.. so basically his offer was.. if i was to get this G in now.. he will give me
winter tires+rims for 1250(half off from 2500).. i am also trading in my mazda 3 along with 20000$(dp) for the G.. i cannot use the 3 as much because i don't have winter tires, the stock tires on the 3 should've replaced last year.. haha.. IFFFF i doo get the g37 now.. it will be stored in the garage.. just like my mazda.
I don't mind waiting till march either.. do you think the half off price of the winter tires worth it? there is too many pros on this offer.. the value of the 3 will be a bit higher.. winter tires.. etc.. the only thing keeping me back is there might be something "up" with this car he's offering me now, and saying bye bye to my 3... i'll have to check on saturday..

HP_John 01-18-2008 06:18 AM

Only thing I would say is it'd probably be better for you to take out a bank loan so that you can pay for it in full & get the $4500 rebate. With the 3 + your big downpayment, I'm pretty sure if you run the numbers on how much the bank's interest rate would cost you on a $25 K loan, vs Infiniti's low interest rates, that the $4500 rebate would more than make up for it.

I believe the $4500 rebate is applied before taxes, so it's actually worth $4500 + taxes (about $5 K in Ontario).

How much are they discounting the G? Since the rebate comes from Infiniti & not the dealer, it costs them nothing. You should get $1500 off the price of the G, + the rebate. That is the absolute minimum IMO (car companies are now starting to feel the effects of US prices, don't let them tell you it's so hot that they can't discount it).

PS People are getting a quality winter tire-wheel pkg from TireRack for about $1500.

Loki123 01-18-2008 09:31 AM


It's hard to say if that's a good deal since you haven't given us much information regarding price.

Winter tires and rims for half price is a deal of course but what are they doing for the price of the G37?
And are they giving you a reasonable offer for your Mazda trade in? Keep in mind that when you trade in a vehicle they subtract the price of your trade before tax, therefore you get the price of your trade + the tax savings in your province. Are you in Ontario?

Why would there be something "up" with the brand new vehicle? Check the kilometres to verify - make sure it's not a demo.

This is what we know about the G37:
MSRP for a G37"S" is $49,950 + $1,695 freight
Dealer invoice is roughly $45,500.
Cash incentive is $4,500 + tax (therefore Ontario incentive = $5,085)

Give me more info. and maybe I can help...

gringstarr 01-18-2008 07:05 PM

thanks john and loki
i don't really understand cash incentive is $4,500 + tax (therefore Ontario incentive = $5,085)?(i'm a newbie when it comes to this stuff) is that the discount they are giving? because i got a 3300 cash back if i get a bank loan..
i feel like i'm getting ripped off now.. but tomorrow morning they are going to appraise the mazda.. thanks again for the help..
oh yeah PS i am from ontario.. thanks thanks

PSYH 01-19-2008 12:40 AM

The "half price" label is deceiving and practically useless IMHO. You must compare the price they're giving you with with the best alternative you can find (e.g. from my research, it's tirerack). I got mine for $1700 shipped/taxes/duty. So let's say you go with my option then your actual savings, for all intent and purposes, is really $450.

What I don't understand is why there is tax on the cash incentive, it doesn't make any sense at all.

I'm pretty certain they will calculate taxes on the price of your vehicle FIRST, then take the $4500 off. For example: $50,000 * 1.13 - $4,500 = $52,000, NOT ($50,000 - $4,500) * 1.13 = $51,415.

On the other hand, you should never pay MSRP, especially on a vehicle that they just received because they get special dealer holdbacks, which ranges from 1-3% of the MSRP/invoice, see this link for more info (to my knowledge the percentage listed is not up-to-date, but it gives a good idea and you should consider it when negotiating). Basically, if they sell you the vehicle at invoice within the first 90 days, they are making the money from the manufacturer. If they sell it to you for anything above invoice within the first 90 days, they are making money off you and the manufacturer. Etc., etc.

Hope that gives you a better idea on how good of a deal they're offering you. :biggthumpup:

HP_John 01-19-2008 05:46 AM

It's $4500 cash back if you get a bank loan, not $3300. They're trying to scam you, $3300 cash back + $1200 off the winter setup = $4500. They're charging you full price for the winters, & the car.

You should get $1500 off the price of the car, & $4500 cash back (comes from Infiniti Canada, doesn't cost dealer anything). Don't buy their overpriced winter setup, most owners buy from TireRack (much cheaper).

So not only do the set prices rip us off, but now they're trying to scam you too. :mad:

gringstarr 01-19-2008 06:53 PM

alright i got back from the dealer.. if i was to trade in the mazda.. which i got for 29000.. they will give me 12500+the taxes.. when i heard that i felt like crap.. haha.. they also said that the winter tire "deal" is apart of the rebate.. it's either i get the winter tires or the 1500 to get me 4500 rebate..
this ***got was lying about the car too he told me "it just came in, it was made in janurary" meanwhile i chcked when it was manufactured and it was in october.. it had 16km on it though.... would you pass on this deal? knowing that the winter tire and the price of my mazda will drop more if i wait until march.. but at leeeeast i will have a new car that hasn't been sitting in the lot for like 4 months in the snow.. thanks again in advance..

Techuinang 01-19-2008 09:28 PM

Since they keep lying to you, not only would I pass the "deal", I would even go buy the car at another dealership.

Don't ever forget you have the bigger end of the stick. It's your money and they want it, if you're unsatisfied with any part of a deal, walk away and go somewhere else.

tampa pb 01-19-2008 10:20 PM

i would definately not buy from a salesman who lied to me.
a note on dealer incentive rebates: they are applied onto the down payment. example: you give a $20,000 DP, they give $500 incentive rebate, your DP will appear as $20,500.

the DEAL that you should be looking for is something related to the price of the vehicle, MSRP vs invoice as well as incentives. dont take ANY "deals" from the dealership that have to do with any parts. they will rip you off horribly. always bear in mind that a dealership is there to make money. if they seem TOO eager to please, there is prob a reason.

HP_John 01-20-2008 05:12 AM

They're not giving you a deal at all. In fact, it seems to be the biggest rip-off I've heard of.

1. Trying to force you to buy winter setup to get the rebate.

2. Not discounting the car from msrp, for a slow-seller (rebate doesn't count, it's from Infiniti Canada & doesn't cost them anything).

Go to another dealer. You should get $1500 off the price of the car, + the $4500 rebate for a savings of $6000 off the price of the car. Only thing to keep in mind is you should try to buy off the lot, by the time any ordered car arrives, the $4500 rebate may not be offered anymore.

Loki123 01-21-2008 10:08 AM

Quote: "I'm pretty certain they will calculate taxes on the price of your vehicle FIRST, then take the $4500 off. For example: $50,000 * 1.13 - $4,500 = $52,000, NOT ($50,000 - $4,500) * 1.13 = $51,415."

The above statement is false. Tax is only ever added at the end of the transaction when dealing with automobiles.

You take the price of the vehicle $50,000 - subtract all cash incentives such as $4,500 - and then subtract you vehicle trade (your Mazda in this case) let's say $5,500 = $40,000 X Tax (13%) = $45,200.

gringstarr 01-21-2008 03:30 PM

would there be anything wrong with the car on the lot now? it was manufactured in october.. it had 16kms on it..

PSYH 01-21-2008 04:03 PM

Probably nothing wrong, but I'd ask them to throw in free car detailing at a shop of your choice. :)

But considering what everybody has said, you still want to make a deal with these guys??

Loki123 01-21-2008 04:07 PM

I cannot see why there would be anything wrong with the car built in Japan in October. Sixteen kilometres is nothing - they have to drive it on the truck and off the truck and around the dealership lot. If it's coming from one dealership to another this would explain the 16 kms. I would only be worried if the car had over 25 kms. Then it would be in your best interest to barter for a "demo" special.

I would also disagree with an above statement to not purchase an "ordered" car versus a "on-the-lot" car thereby loosing the cash incentive of $4,500. If you engage into a contract and $4,500 is in the contract - obviously you will not loose this incentive since it makes up your total purchase price.

So gringstarr, from what you have outlined above this is what we know about your "deal":

MSRP for G37"S" = $49,950 +$1,695 freight
Cash incentive from manufacturer = $4,500
Your Mazda trade in value = $12,500

So a quick calculation of the above (using MSRP) is $49,950 + $1,695 - $4,500 - $12,500 X 13% tax = $39,148.

Keep in mind - the above is using MSRP - we all know dealers sell for less - if I were you I would at least push for a savings of $1,695 (cost of freight) and I wouldn't settle for their first offer of $12,500 for your mazda.

Loki123 01-21-2008 04:14 PM

BTW gringstarr, they are offering you a "real" value of $14,125 for your Mazda.

This is because a trade comes off the price of the vehicle before taxes are applied - you simply take the price they offer you, in your case $12,500 and add 13% tax to get $14,125.

Also you may want to get a "second opinion" from another dealership on what they would give you for your Mazda. Doesn't have to be an infiniti dealership either... Check for what mazda 3's with your spec and kms are selling for...

gringstarr 01-22-2008 12:14 AM

yup i'm aware of the 14125.. he brought it up to 14700..i'm waiting for a dealer to call me back to give me their offer..but till then i'm pretty sure i'm going to trade the mazda this week.. would there be anything wrong with a car that's been there since november(my dealer got it from a trade with another dealer)? it had 16kms... everything inside was covered with plastic..but i'm soo worried that it might thave engine problems or the electronics might not work cuz it's been out in the cold for so long(crazy stuff like that.. that's just the way i am though haha..but i also have no patience) i keep going back and forth waiting till march or getting the car now..right now i'm leaning toward getting it.. any advice? thanks again..

Loki123 01-22-2008 09:58 AM

This is normal practice for dealers to trade car for car to satisfy demand. A car being left out in the cold or snow will have absolutely no negative effect on the vehicle. It's only through driving do negative things happen to vehicles.

If you do get the car now - you will require winter tires (since the car comes with summer performance tires and 19 inch rims). If you wait til spring (ie. march, april) you can avoid getting the winter tires until next winter and therefore shop around for a "better" deal on tires.

gringstarr 01-22-2008 06:13 PM

thanks for the adivce loki.. we are going to head down to infiniti tonight...
hopefully he will give us a discount so we can close this deal..
once again thanks mang!!!!

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